domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


When I watch the Guernica picture by painter Picasso, the only emotion that comes to my mind is a feeling of helplessness and anger. First of all, because the population of the Spanish town of Guernica suffered some years ago, one of the biggest cruelty and brutality of all times aimed to a determined group of human-beings. Secondly, those people in charge of this"duty" were unpunished from the harm and damage that they caused. Besides, it is widely known that every building in Guernica was destroyed by the exploding bombs and the following fire and survived people had to start reconstructing their new lives. Finally, it is a fact of rejection and repudiation that innocent people have to die because of a maze of politics ideas. As a result, I feel myself impotent when I wondered why these catastrophes continue happening in the same way as they did it when we were  an undeveloped civilization.

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